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Summary of the property

9 bedrooms
7 shower/bathrooms
670m² habitable area
Underfloor heating on ground floor
Radiator central heating on first floor


Detail photos of the property

Practical Information

On this page we have listed some information on the local area as well as some of the practical aspects of the property, such as general layout and a summary of the diagnostic reports.

If there is anything else you would like to know then please feel free to contact us.

Local Area

The property is situated on the edge of the Brenne National Park, in the Berry Province, known for its peaceful lakes and marshes that are home to many species of animals and wildfowl.

Nearby is the historic town Le Blanc (14km) where you will find all the required shops and conveniences.

General Layout

The below plan shows the layout of the property with the names of the areas that have been used elsewhere on this site.

Layout of the property

Technical reports

The technical reports required for a sale have been carried out. The sanitation conforms to current required standards and the two residences have been given individual energy performance ratings as shown below.

No issues regarding either property have been reported.

Full reports will be provided should a sale be agreed on the property.

Main Residence

Photograph of the DPE energy rating

Guardian's House

Photograph of the DPE energy rating

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